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Blue Veil, 1958, 91 3/4 x 155 in. (233.1 x 396.2 cm), Acrylic resin (Magna) on canvas, du126

Copyright © President and Fellows of Harvard College

Rights administered by Artists Rights Society (ARS)


Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Gift of Lois Orswell and Gifts for Special Uses Fund, 1965


André Emmerich Gallery, New York

Mrs. Culver Orswell, Pomfret Center, Connecticut


(E 61): New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (cat. no. 9, color), 1963

(E 229; E 323): Cambridge, Massachusetts: Fogg Art Museum (cat. no. 168, bw), 1972; 1977

Cambridge, Massachusetts: Fogg Art Museum, 1979

Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Art Museums, 1985 - 1986

(E 428): Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1986

(E 435): New York: Museum of Modern Art (color, p. 109), 1986-1987


(B 79): Fried 1963, color, p. 23

(B 118): Kramer 1964, bw, p. 15

(B 131): Fried 1965, comm., pp. 178–80, bw, p. 179

Gutierrez, Jose and Roukes, Nicholas, Painting with Acrylics (New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1965), p. 32

Fried, Michael, "Blue Veil by Morris Louis," Fogg Art Museum Acquisitions, 1965 (Cambridge, MA: Fogg Art Museum, 1966), comm., pp. 177-181, p. 179

Rose, Barbara, American Painting: The Twentieth Century (New York: Skira, 1969), p. 103

(B 249): Fried 1970, bw pl. 33

Castle Bolton III, Kenyon; Huenink, Peter G.; Powell III, Earl A.; Rand, Harry Z.; and Sexton, Nanette C., American Art at Harvard (Cambridge, MA: Fogg Art Museum, 1972), exh. cat., cat. 162.

American History: A Survey (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1975), color pl. 9

(B 386): Wilmerding 1978, color pl. pl. XXIV, p. 492

Jones, Caroline A., Modern Art at Harvard: The Formation of the Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Collections of the Harvard University Art Museums (New York and Cambridge, MA: Abbeville Press/Harvard University Art Museums, 1985), exh. cat., color, fig. 68, p. 74

(B 412): Upright 1985, color pl., p. 8, cat. no. 126, color, p.144

Mortimer, Kristin A., Harvard University Art Museums: A Guide to the Collections (Cambridge, MA and New York: Harvard University Art Museums/Abbeville Press, 1985), color, no. 237, p. 207

Greenberg, Jan and Jordan, Sandra, The Painter's Eye: Learning to Look at Contemporary American Art (New York: Delacourte Press, 1991), color, pp. 54-55

Janson, H. W. and Janson, Anthony F., History of Art for Young People (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1992), color no. 451, p. 444

Preble, Duane and Preble, Sarah, Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts (New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1994), color, fig. 213, p. 155

Janson, H. W. and Janson, Anthony F., History of Art [5th ed.] (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1995), color, fig. 1102, p. 800

(B 455): Buretel 1996, bw, p. 16

Cooper, Harry and Luke, Megan R., Frank Stella 1958 (New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2006), fig. 37, color, p. 79

Wolohojian, Stephen, ed., Harvard Art Museum/Handbook (Cambridge: Harvard Art Museum, 2008), color, p. 228

ML number:

ML 1-22

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