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Untitled, 1959-1960, 97 3/4 x 175 1/8 in. (248.3 x 444.8 cm), Acrylic resin (Magna) on canvas, du276

Copyright © 2014 MICA

Rights administered by Artists Rights Society (ARS)


The Doris and Donald Fisher Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California [2017]


Park International, New York

Mrs. Barbara Jacobson, New York

Lawrence Rubin Gallery, New York

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Schwartz, New York

M. Knoedler & Co., New York

Donald Zucker, New York

Mr. and Mrs. Victor W. Ganz, New York

Sotheby's, New York (sale 5773, lot 24), 10 November 1988

Collection of Alice Lawrence

Christie's, New York (saleLAWRENCE-2255, lot 145), 5 November 2008

Private collection, New York


(E 131): Washington, D.C.: Washington Gallery of Modern Art (cat. no. 10), 1967

(E 181): Buffalo, New York: Albright-Knox Art Gallery; Dayton, Ohio: Dayton Art Institute; Cleveland Museum of Art (cat. no. 49, bw, p. 50, labeled Floral), 1970

(E 360): New York: M. Knoedler & Co. (color, p. 5), 1979


Falbo, The Hatchet, 9 March 1967, bw, p. 5

(B 257): Hudson 1970, bw, p. 41

Apollo, February 1971, bw, p. 143.

(B 281): Henning 1971, bw, p. 47

(B 412): Upright 1985, cat. no. 276, color, p.158

ML number:

ML 1-14

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